
All the Way to the Tigers: A Memoir

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

All the Way to the Tigers is full of per­son­al growth, fam­i­ly his­to­ry, and thrilling trav­el. Feb­ru­ary 2008: A casu­al after­noon of ice skat­ing derailed the trip of a life­time. Mary Mor­ris spent her sab­bat­i­cal in a wheel­chair, under­go­ing two surg­eries and exten­sive reha­bil­i­ta­tion. On East­er Sun­day, when she was sup­posed to be in Moroc­co, Mor­ris was instead lying on the sofa read­ing Death in Venice, cast­ing her eyes over these words again and again: He would go on a jour­ney. Not far. Not all the way to the tigers.” At that moment, Mor­ris made a deci­sion: When she was well enough to walk again (and her doc­tor was­n’t sure she ever would), she would go all the way to the tigers.” So begins a three-year odyssey that takes Mor­ris to India in search of the world’s most elu­sive apex preda­tor. Mor­ris con­nects deeply with these mag­nif­i­cent and high­ly endan­gered ani­mals, and her weeks on a tiger safari also afford her a new under­stand­ing of her­self. All the Way to the Tigers is an illu­mi­nat­ing exam­i­na­tion of heal­ing, redemp­tion, and what it means to be a solo woman on the road.

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