
Days of Wonder

  • From the Publisher
April 22, 2023

As a teenag­er, for a moment, Ella Fitch­burg found love — yearn­ing, breath­less love — that con­sumed both her and her boyfriend, Jude, as they wan­dered the streets of New York City togeth­er. But her glo­ri­ous life was pulled out from beneath her after she was accused of try­ing to mur­der Jude’s father, an impe­ri­ous supe­ri­or court judge. When she learns she’s preg­nant short­ly after receiv­ing a long prison sen­tence, she reluc­tant­ly decides to give up the child.

Ella is released from prison after serv­ing only six years and is des­per­ate to turn the page on a new life, but she can’t seem to let go of her past. With only an address as a pos­si­ble lead, she moves to Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, deter­mined to get her daugh­ter back. Hid­ing her iden­ti­ty and liv­ing in a con­stant state of decep­tion, she finds that what she’s been search­ing for all along is a way to uncov­er — and live with — the truth. Yet a cen­tral mys­tery endures: nei­ther Jude nor Ella can remem­ber the events lead­ing up to the attempt­ed mur­der — that fate­ful night which led to Ella’s con­vic­tion.

For fans of Miran­da Cow­ley Heller’s The Paper Palace and Alle­gra Goodman’s Sam, Car­o­line Leavitt’s Days of Won­der is a grip­ping high-dra­ma page-turn­er about the elu­sive nature of redemp­tion and the pro­found reach of love. 

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