
Denial: Holo­caust His­to­ry on Trial

  • From the Publisher
September 22, 2016

In her acclaimed 1993 book Deny­ing the Holo­caust, Deb­o­rah Lip­stadt called David Irv­ing, a pro­lif­ic writer of books on World War II, one of the most dan­ger­ous spokesper­sons for Holo­caust denial.” The fol­low­ing year, after Lipstadt’s book was pub­lished in the Unit­ed King­dom, Irv­ing filed a libel suit against Lip­stadt and her pub­lish­er. She pre­pared her defense with the help of a first-rate team of solic­i­tors, his­to­ri­ans, and experts, and a dra­mat­ic tri­al unfold­ed.Denial, pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished as His­to­ry on Tri­al, is Lipstadt’s riv­et­ing, blow-by-blow account of this sin­gu­lar legal bat­tle, which result­ed in a for­mal denun­ci­a­tion of a Holo­caust denier that crip­pled the move­ment for years to come. Lipstadt’s vic­to­ry was pro­claimed on the front page of major news-papers around the world, such as The Times (UK), which declared that his­to­ry has had its day in court and scored a crush­ing victory.’”

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