
Fac­ing the Ene­my: How a Nazi Youth Camp in Amer­i­ca Test­ed a Friendship

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

What do you do when your best friend becomes the ene­my? Grow­ing up in Newark, New Jer­sey, in the 1930s, Tom­my Anspach and Ben­jy Put­er­man have always done every­thing togeth­er. It nev­er mat­tered that Ben­jy was Jew­ish and Tom­my was of Ger­man descent. But as Adolph Hitler and his Nazi par­ty comes to pow­er in Ger­many and war brews in Europe, every­thing changes. Tom­my is sent to Camp Nord­land, a Nazi youth camp for Ger­man Amer­i­cans, where he quick­ly learns that Jews are the ene­my. Heart­bro­ken by the loss of his friend, Ben­jy forms a teen ver­sion of the Newark Min­ute­men, an anti-Nazi vig­i­lante group, all the while hop­ing that Tom­my will aban­don his extrem­ist beliefs. Will Ben­jy and Tom­my be able to over­come their dif­fer­ences and be friends again? Based on real-life events and groups like the Newark Min­ute­men and the pro-Nazi Ger­man Amer­i­can Bund, this dar­ing nov­el-in-verse reveals the long his­to­ry of Amer­i­can right-wing extrem­ism, and its impact on the lives of two ordi­nary teens.

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