
Good­bye, Colum­bus and Five Short Stories

  • From the Publisher
March 21, 2013

Roth’s award-win­ning first book instant­ly estab­lished its author’s rep­u­ta­tion as a writer of explo­sive wit, mer­ci­less insight, and a fierce com­pas­sion for even the most self-delud­ing of his characters.

Good­bye, Colum­bus is the sto­ry of Neil Klug­man and pret­ty, spir­it­ed Bren­da Patimkin, he of poor Newark, she of sub­ur­ban Short Hills, who meet one sum­mer break and dive into an affair that is as much about social class and sus­pi­cion as it is about love. The novel­la is accom­pa­nied by five short sto­ries that range in tone from the icon­o­clas­tic to the aston­ish­ing­ly ten­der and that illu­mi­nate the sub­ter­ranean con­flicts between par­ents and chil­dren and friends and neigh­bors in the Amer­i­can Jew­ish diaspora.

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