
Sav­ing Free Speech…from Itself

  • From the Publisher
July 8, 2013

The First Amend­ment and its Free Speech Clause has been dis­tort­ed and would be now unrec­og­niz­able to our Found­ing Fathers. Speech can cause great harm to human dig­ni­ty and health. Euro­peans do not allow neo-Nazis and extrem­ists bent on incit­ing vio­lence to march and tram­ple over the rights of oth­er cit­i­zens. Col­lege cam­pus­es now per­mit the shout­ing down of speak­ers and attacks against Jews in the name of anti-Zion­ism that have noth­ing to do with the mar­ket­place of ideas. This book hopes to start a con­ver­sa­tion that will lead to free speech reform.

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