
The God­dess of Warsaw

  • From the Publisher
May 28, 2023

Utter­ly grip­ping, The God­dess of War­saw is a trans­for­ma­tive and immer­sive sto­ry so pow­er­ful and cap­ti­vat­ing that I could not put it down. Rarely does a pro­tag­o­nist leap off the page and win over the heart like the unfor­get­table Bina Blon­s­ki. Tru­ly one of the best books I’ve read.” — Liv Con­stan­tine, best­selling author of The Last Mrs. Parrish

Lisa Bar­r’s new his­tor­i­cal fic­tion, The God­dess of War­saw, gifts the read­er with jaw-drop­ping moments wor­thy of a Taran­ti­no film, a sto­ry that could not be more time­ly, and a hero­ine whose feroc­i­ty and val­or knows no bounds. Bina Blon­s­ki is forced to lose and remake her iden­ti­ty time and time again, both to sur­vive the War­saw Ghet­to and to car­ry out her secret mis­sion years lat­er as a Hol­ly­wood actress. Unre­lent­ing­ly immer­sive and sus­pense­ful to the very end, The God­dess of War­saw spins a haunt­ing tale of the cost of sur­vival, sac­ri­fice, and the long-denied secrets of the past.” — Natal­ie Jen­ner, author of the instant inter­na­tion­al best­seller The Jane Austen Society

The God­dess Of War­saw is an enthralling tale of a leg­endary Hol­ly­wood screen god­dess with a dark secret about her life in the War­saw Ghet­to. When the famous actress is threat­ened by some­one from her past, she must put her skills into play to pro­tect her­self, her illus­tri­ous career, and those she loves, then and now. 

Los Ange­les, 2005. Sien­na Hayes, Hollywood’s lat­est It Girl, has ambi­tions to work behind the cam­era. When she meets Lena Brown­ing, the enor­mous­ly mys­te­ri­ous and famous Gold­en Age movie star, Sien­na sees her big break. She wants to direct a pic­ture about Lena’s life — but the leg­endary actor’s murky past turns out to be even dark­er than Sien­na dreamed. Before she was a Liv­ing Leg­end, Lena Brown­ing was Bina Blon­s­ki, a Pol­ish Jew whose life and fam­i­ly were destroyed by the Nazis.

War­saw, 1943. A mem­ber of the city’s Jew­ish elite, Bina Blon­s­ki and her hus­band, Jakub, are impris­oned in the ghast­ly, cramped ghet­to along with the rest of Warsaw’s sur­viv­ing Jews. Deter­mined to fight back against the bru­tal Nazis, the beau­ti­ful, blonde Aryan-look­ing Bina becomes a spy, gain­ing infor­ma­tion and steal­ing weapons out­side the ghet­to to pro­tect her fel­low Jews. But her dan­ger­ous cir­cum­stances grow com­pli­cat­ed when she falls in love with Alek­sander, an ally in resis­tance — and Jakub’s broth­er. While Lena accom­plish­es amaz­ing feats of brav­ery, she sac­ri­fices much in the process.

Over a decade after escap­ing the hor­rors of the ghet­to, Bina, now known as Lena, ris­es to fame in Hol­ly­wood. Yet she can­not help but be remind­ed of her old life and hungers for revenge against the Nazis who escaped jus­tice after the war. Her pow­er and fame as a movie star offer Lena the chance to right the past’s wrongs … and per­haps even find the hap­py end­ing she nev­er had.

A grip­ping page-turn­er of one of history’s most hero­ic upris­ings and an actress whose per­son­al war nev­er ends, The God­dess Of War­saw is filled with secrets, lies, twists and turns, and a burn­ing pur­suit of jus­tice no mat­ter the cost.

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