
Wav­ing Good­bye: Life After Loss 

  • From the Publisher
April 8, 2023

To those around me — my friends, my col­leagues, even my daugh­ter — I appear nor­mal, but in one very fun­da­men­tal way, I am not.

The old me left with my wife. I’m not sure who this new per­son is — I am still evolv­ing. But I will tell you this with absolute cer­tain­ty: I am not the same per­son I was before my wife died on Jan­u­ary 1, 2018.

For any­one strug­gling with the loss of a spouse — any­one whose world has been turned upside down in a way they’ve nev­er encoun­tered before — here is some­thing that could help. Wav­ing Good­bye is a can­did, hon­est, and approach­able guide to deal­ing with the death of a spouse writ­ten by a very ordi­nary guy who has lived through the ordeal.

War­ren Kozak doesn’t just tell you that time heals all wounds; he explains how the pas­sage of time actu­al­ly helped. Despite the shat­ter­ing heart­break and insur­mount­able grief, Kozak shares what worked, what didn’t, and the insights he learned along the way to help any­one who has suf­fered this kind of loss.

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