
Word­wings (Essen­tial Prose)

  • Review
By – January 31, 2018

Twelve-year-old Rivke Rosen­feld fills the War­saw Ghet­to with her sto­ries in 1941. Orphaned, she lives with her grand­fa­ther and two sis­ters, try­ing to eke out a liv­ing with­in the brick-and-barbed-wire con­fines of the ghet­to. She writes her diary between the lines and in the mar­gins of a book of Hans Chris­t­ian Ander­sen fairy tales. Dr. Emanuel Ringel­blum asks her to con­tribute her diary to his Under­ground Archive, a col­lec­tion of doc­u­ments he is assem­bling so the world will one day know the every­day lives of those with­in the ghet­to. As a sto­ry­teller, Rivke meets oth­er well-known per­son­al­i­ties of the ghet­to, includ­ing Dr. Janusz Korszak, an edu­ca­tor and children’s author.

Author Sydelle Pearl was inspired to write this nov­el when she saw part of Dr. Ringelblum’s secret stash and imag­ined how a young girl’s diary could make its way there. Although the she may overuse the metaphor of words as wings, the book show­cas­es Pearl’s high­ly-honed sto­ry­telling skills; she cus­tomizes tales to give hope to those in the ghet­to. The nar­ra­tive suf­fers from a con­trived plot, though, and when Rivke writes her diary with­in the Ander­sen book, Pearl mean­ders from one folk­tale to another. 

Bar­bara Kras­ner is the author of many books across gen­res, includ­ing fic­tion, poet­ry, cre­ative non­fic­tion, and chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture. Her recent titles include 37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939, Civil­ian Casu­al­ties in War and Ethel’s Song: Ethel Rosen­berg’s Life in Poems. Her book Goldie Takes a Stand! Gol­da Meir’s First Cru­sade was a recip­i­ent of the Syd­ney Tay­lor Hon­or Award. She holds a Ph.D. in Holo­caust and geno­cide stud­ies from Gratz Col­lege, teach­es in the Holo­caust and geno­cide stud­ies pro­gram at the Col­lege of New Jer­sey, and serves as direc­tor of the Mer­cer Coun­ty Holo­caust, Geno­cide, and Human Rights Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter. She also holds an MFA in writ­ing for chil­dren and young adults from the Ver­mont Col­lege of Fine Arts.

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