If you own a Net­flix account — or a sub­scrip­tion to Lucky Peach, The New York Times, Van­i­ty Fair, or McSweeney’s—you’ve seen Lisa Hanawalt’s work. This week, the design­er and pro­duc­er of BoJack Horse­man releas­es a col­lec­tion of her graph­ic essays in Hot Dog Taste Test:

Hot Dog Taste Test also fea­tures nev­er-before-seen sequences of graph­ic mem­oir, includ­ing illus­tra­tions of her trav­els to Argenti­na, where Hanawalt’s great-grand­par­ents set­tled after escap­ing pogroms in Odessa, to join her moth­er’s fam­i­ly in Buenos Aires on sum­mer retreats to La Cum­brecita. You can pre­view sec­tions of the book here and see how the cre­ator of the most famous horse since Mr. Ed fares as an eques­tri­an in the Sier­ra Grandes.

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