Post­ed by Nao­mi Firestone-Teeter

Need a new recipe for Sukkot? Check out these new cookbooks:

Jew­ish Slow Cook­er Recipes (Lau­ra Frankel)

In Jew­ish Slow Cook­er Recipes, the encore to Jew­ish Cook­ing for All Sea­sons, Lau­ra Frankel, a respect­ed kosher chef and moth­er of three teenagers, shares more than 120 easy, deli­cious recipes for every­day and hol­i­day meals– all con­ve­nient­ly pre­pared in the slow cooker‑a sta­ple of Sab­bath cook­ing which Frankel affec­tion­ate­ly calls her Shab­bat mir­a­cle machine.” Sukkot recipes include Ital­ian Pump­kin Soup, Stuffed Cab­bage Rolls, Bra­ci­ole, Wild Mush­room Stroganoff, and Poached Pears with Sweet Mascarpone.

The Con­scious Cook: Deli­cious Meat­less Recipes That Will Change the Way You Eat (Tal Ronnen)

A for­mer meat-eater who found him­self unful­filled by stan­dard veg­an fare, Tal Ron­nen set out to cre­ate his own diverse menu of hardy, deli­cious veg­e­tar­i­an dish­es that the finest restau­rants would be hon­ored to serve…and any food lover would love to eat! As a result, The Con­scious Cook is loaded with healthy, deli­cious, and supreme­ly grat­i­fy­ing meat­less recipes that even car­ni­vores will want to sink their teeth into — a trea­sure trove of fine, healthy din­ing from the mas­ter chef who has rein­vent­ed veg­an cooking.

Need some­thing quick­er? Down­load APP­Solute Media’s Kosher Cook­book for iPhone & iPod Touch. Kosher Cook­book is designed for the on-the-go iPhone and iPod Touch users, offer­ing hun­dreds of recipes, cus­tom meal plans and the abil­i­ty to cre­ate per­son­al­ized shop­ping lists. Kosher Cook­book includes kosher culi­nary delights by well-respect­ed gourmet and food writer Glo­ria Kobrin. The Kosher Cook­book appli­ca­tion includes over 300 of her most pop­u­lar recipes, adapt­ed to suit kosher dietary rules. For just $4.99, it’s def­i­nite­ly worth a look! You can down­load it here.