In cel­e­bra­tion of Jew­ish Book Month, JBC and The Bet­sy Writ­ers Room are thrilled to announce our inau­gur­al writer’s res­i­den­cy con­test. Answer the form below and be entered to win a writer’s res­i­den­cy at the sto­ried Bet­sy Hotel. This stay offers a gor­geous and com­fort­able space for writ­ers to work and con­nect with the vibrant arts com­mu­ni­ty of Mia­mi. The stay includes a dai­ly Amer­i­can break­fast as well as a mod­est per diem to assist with inci­den­tals in the hotel. Res­i­den­cies are typ­i­cal­ly booked in a Sun­day through Thurs­day win­dow in an agreed-upon time­frame, sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. Sub­mis­sions will close on Decem­ber 21JBC and The Bet­sy Hotel reserve the right to use and pub­lish the essays sub­mit­ted as a part of this contest.

*Please note that trav­el to the res­i­den­cy is not includ­ed and the win­ner will need to coor­di­nate their stay direct­ly with The Bet­sy Writ­ers Room team.*

Click here to enter the contest!