Post­ed by Salma Falah





This month, I am read­ing Mod­ern Girls by Jen­nifer S. Brown. This book is about a young Jew­ish woman in 1935 and her rela­tion­ship with her moth­er. It high­lights strong women dur­ing harsh times. This book is very well writ­ten and very inter­est­ing. Even though I am only halfway through, I enjoy her detailed writ­ing style. I rec­om­mend it to peo­ple who enjoy strong female leads.

I am also read­ing Leav­ing Lucy Pear by Anna Solomon. This book por­trays strong women in the ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. I am only in begin­ning, but so far it is extreme­ly well written. 


This month, I am read­ing Imag­ine That by Mark Fins. This is a mem­oir that takes place in Bay­side, Queens in 1957. Since I grew up in Bay­side in that time peri­od, this book espe­cial­ly res­onat­ed with me. I enjoyed the main char­ac­ters fer­tile imag­i­na­tion. I rec­om­mend this book to any­one who is look­ing for a light read. 

I am also read­ing Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kel­ly. This book fol­lows the lives of three dif­fer­ent women in 1939. The writ­ing is clear and con­cise, and it is an inter­est­ing read. I rec­om­mend it to peo­ple who like the time peri­od of WWII


This July I fell in love with Idra Novey’s Ways to Dis­ap­pear, a syl­ph­ic nov­el on the pow­er and pow­er­less­ness of par­ents, chil­dren, writ­ers, and their trans­la­tors, set in con­tem­po­rary Brazil. I read it one sum­mery gulp.


The Big Lie is a YA look at the world if the Naz­i’s had won World War II, the focus of the book is on Jes­si­ka, who is an exem­plary daugh­ter of a high Nazi offi­cial. But she strug­gles with her lim­it­ed world view when her best friend forces her to con­front the world and the lies she has been told, as well as her con­fu­sion over her sex­u­al­i­ty. The book is fast-paced, com­pelling, and forces the read­er to con­front the idea that the world they have always been tak­en as a giv­en a lie. 

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