Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing and uplift­ing Jew­ish and Jew­ish-inter­est books and authors through mar­ket­ing and edi­to­r­i­al endeav­ors, edu­ca­tion, and net­work­ing. JBC aims to be a com­pre­hen­sive resource through­out an author’s career and expe­ri­ences in the Jew­ish lit­er­ary world. 

To this end, with the rise of anti­se­mit­ic inci­dents inter­na­tion­al­ly, JBC has launched­ an ini­tia­tive for authors, pub­lish­ers, pub­li­cists, agents, edi­tors, and read­ers to report anti­se­mit­ic lit­er­ary-relat­ed inci­dents. Anti­semitism is defined as prej­u­dice against or hatred of Jew­ish peo­ple. This can take many forms, such as ver­bal or writ­ten lan­guage, in-per­son or online harass­ment, van­dal­ism, and vio­lence direct­ed at a per­son or insti­tu­tion because they are Jew­ish. We encour­age reports of both small­er-scale inci­dents (such as an indi­vid­ual get­ting review-bombed because their book includes Jew­ish con­tent) and larg­er inci­dents (such as Jew­ish lit­er­ary pro­fes­sion­als fac­ing threats of intim­i­da­tion and violence). 

At this point we’re gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion, so please know that even if there is no action tak­en at this time, your sto­ry is part of an essen­tial and grow­ing record that will pro­vide evi­dence of the impact of the cur­rent cli­mate in the Jew­ish lit­er­ary world. The hope is that, by report­ing and record­ing anti­semitism in the lit­er­ary world, we can help to put sup­port sys­tems in place for those affected. 

If you have expe­ri­enced or wit­nessed an anti­se­mit­ic inci­dent in lit­er­ary spaces that you’d like to report, please email reporting@​jewishbooks.​org with infor­ma­tion and a descrip­tion of what occurred. If you have pho­tos, links, tran­scripts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, videos, or screen­shots that are relat­ed to a par­tic­u­lar inci­dent, you may attach them in the email. Any­thing that helps us to under­stand the scope and con­text of the inci­dent is appre­ci­at­ed, so we can bet­ter under­stand the kinds of anti­se­mit­ic instances that are occur­ring in lit­er­ary spaces and how to direct you to the best resources for support. 

Thank you for help­ing to bring aware­ness to this impor­tant issue. Prej­u­dice in our com­mu­ni­ties can be excised through uni­ty, care, and togetherness. 

All reports will remain anony­mous – iden­ti­fy­ing ele­ments will not be used with­out your permission.