Post­ed by Nao­mi Fire­stone-Teeter

The Jew­ish Book Coun­cil has been spread­ing the good (book) word down here in New Orleans. This morn­ing we had the plea­sure of pre­sent­ing NET­WORK author Kevin Sal­wen (The Pow­er of Half) and we left the room inspired and charged to be more con­scious of our actions and abil­i­ty to help others.

Sev­er­al years ago, Kevin and his fam­i­ly made the extra­or­di­nary deci­sion to sell their Atlanta man­sion, buy a house half its size, and give half of the sale price to a wor­thy char­i­ty. The expe­ri­ence took the fam­i­ly on a pow­er­ful jour­ney across the globe, allow­ing them to under­stand how indi­vid­u­als can tru­ly make a dif­fer­ence. In the end, the fam­i­ly devot­ed their mon­ey to help com­mu­ni­ties in Ghana improve their way of life through the Hunger Project. Author prof­its from the The Pow­er of Half will be donat­ed to char­i­ty, as well as a dol­lar from each sale.

Learn more about their efforts here.

And, hear from Kevin’s co-author, his daugh­ter Han­nah, below: