A few days behind on this one, but nev­er too late to share some of the great con­tent from the For­ward. To com­mem­o­rate and hon­or the 100th anniver­sary of the Tri­an­gle Shirt­waist Fire the For­ward pub­lished a spe­cial sec­tion last week. The sec­tion includ­ed the first-ever trans­la­tions of the Jew­ish Dai­ly For­wards orig­i­nal Yid­dish cov­er­age of the event, includ­ing the front page of March 25, 1911, the day of the fire.

The spe­cial sec­tion also includes an orig­i­nal essay from David Von Drehle, author of Tri­an­gle: The Fire That Changed Amer­i­ca, as well as the win­ners of its Tri­an­gle Fire Poet­ry Con­test, a prize poet­ry con­test that the For­ward held ear­li­er this year to elic­it sub­mis­sions for both an Eng­lish and Yid­dish poem to hon­or the poet­ry of Mor­ris Rosen­feld who doc­u­ment­ed the fire at the time and to reflect upon the fire’s mean­ing and legacy.The win­ner of the Eng­lish poem was Zackary Sholem Berg­er of Bal­ti­more, MD and the win­ner of the Yid­dish sec­tion was Alec (“Leyz­er”) Burko of New York City.