Post­ed by Nat Bern­stein

First you hear that Jami Atten­berg, the author of The Mid­dlesteins and Saint Maizie, has a new nov­el in the works, and you think: yes. Then you see the book cov­er, and you think: YES.

All Grown Up is a nov­el told in a series of vignettes from the per­spec­tive of Andrea Bern, a sin­gle woman in her late thir­ties whose notion of adult­hood dif­fers dras­ti­cal­ly from the choic­es of her clos­est friends — and those of her broth­er and expec­tant sis­ter-and-law. But the arrival of Andrea’s niece brings about an upheaval no one in her fam­i­ly could ever have imag­ined, and Andrea’s unteth­ered self-iden­ti­ty is thrown into utter chaos.

The art­work for the book cov­er is sure to catch browsers’ eyes when All Grown Up hits the shelves March 2017. Great col­or block­ing and clean lines, con­trast­ed with the squir­rel­ly text across our hero’s bangs and fore­head above an out­line of the New York City sky­line in a solid­ly two-dimen­sion­al image. Look­ing for­ward to read­ing this one come spring!

Relat­ed Content:

Nat Bern­stein is the for­mer Man­ag­er of Dig­i­tal Con­tent & Media, JBC Net­work Coor­di­na­tor, and Con­tribut­ing Edi­tor at the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and a grad­u­ate of Hamp­shire College.