
Acci­dents of Marriage

Randy Susan Susan Meyers
  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Acci­dents of Mar­riage explores top­ics rarely shown in fic­tion: the dam­ag­ing effects of a hus­band and father’s ver­bal rage; the chal­lenge of an inter­faith mar­riage; and the after­math of a seri­ous acci­dent. Mad­dy is a social work­er try­ing to bal­ance her career and three chil­dren. Years ago, she fell in love with Ben, a pub­lic defend­er, drawn to his fiery pas­sion, but now he’s lash­ing out at her dur­ing his peri­od­ic furies. She vac­il­lates between tip­toe­ing around him and assert­ing her­self for the sake of their kids — which works to keep a frag­ile peace — until the rainy day when they’re togeth­er in the car and Ben’s volatile tem­per gets the best of him, leav­ing Mad­dy in the hos­pi­tal fight­ing for her life. The chil­dren, torn between the tra­di­tions of their Jew­ish and Catholic grand­par­ents, are lost. Acci­dents of Mar­riage alter­nates between the point of view of the hus­band, wife, and their four­teen-year-old daugh­ter. It will res­onate deeply with those from all walks of life, ulti­mate­ly reveal­ing the chal­lenges of fam­i­ly, faith, and forgiveness.

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