
Adiron­dack Mendel’s Aufruf: Wel­come to Chelm’s Pond

San­dor Schu­man, illus­trat­ed by Kevin Kuhne
  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
The leg­endary fools of Chelm have migrat­ed to a new home where, they were told, every acre is two acres, you can till the soil with a tea­spoon, and there are not only four sea­sons, there are five.” Bloomie is the ambi­tious pro­pri­etor of The Broiled Beet — serv­ing the finest in Adiron­dack-Ashke­naz­ick fusion cui­sine — and the loveli­est, kind­est, and sin­cer­est sheyne mey­dl in all of Chelm’s Pond. Adiron­dack Mendel is the renowned adven­tur­er, woods­man, moun­tain man, and Adiron­dack guide who always tells the truth even if he has to lie to do it. When they are brought togeth­er by Aufruf, the talk­ing dog (who used to do spy work for Col­in Pow­ell, from whom he learned a bis­sel Yid­dish), they fall in love. Guid­ed by the learned, hon­ored, and beloved Rab­bi Chay­im Shmay­im, the old­est and wis­est khokhem in Chelm’s Pond, the results raise seri­ous ques­tions about the nature of God and the mean­ing of prayer, but in an extra­or­di­nary way that could hap­pen only in Chelm’s Pond. 

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