
Bren­da Berman: Wed­ding Expert

Jane Bre­skin Zal­ben; Vic­to­ria Chess, illus.
  • Review
By – January 9, 2012
Bren­da Berman has always dreamed of being a flower girl. She would wear a gold lame flower-girl dress with spark­ly shoes like bal­let slip­pers, and a shiny dia­mond tiara in her hair. She’d walk down the aisle— alone—before the bride and groom, sprin­kling pale pink rose petals on the path to the altar.” But now her favorite Uncle Har­ry is get­ting mar­ried to the dread­ed Flor­rie, who has plans that include laven­der and taffe­ta instead of gold lame. Mama helps Bren­da to open her heart” and make friends with her co-flower girl, Florrie’s niece. The sto­ry shows a warm Jew­ish fam­i­ly (wear­ing yarmulkes at the wed­ding), and the char­ac­ters are appeal­ing; how­ev­er, the styl­ized water­col­or depic­tions of peo­ple are rather car­toon­ish and the facial expres­sions have lit­tle charm. There are three child-friend­ly recipes at the end of the book for things that were eat­en at the wed­ding, includ­ing, Mama’s Famous Wed­ding Cake.” The book in writ­ten for a second/​third grade read­ing lev­el, and it is sep­a­rat­ed into five short chap­ters. Ages 6 – 8.
Bar­bara Sil­ver­man had an M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s Uni­ver­si­ty. She worked as a children’s librar­i­an at the Cor­pus Christi Pub­lic Libraries and at the Cor­pus Christi ISD before retir­ing. She worked as a vol­un­teer at the Astor Juda­ic Library of the Lawrence Fam­i­ly JCC in La Jol­la, CA. Sad­ly, Bar­bara passed away is 2012.

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