
Char­lie Mike: A True Sto­ry of War and Find­ing the Way Home

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

In Char­lie Mike, Joe Klein tells the dra­mat­ic sto­ry of Eric Gre­it­ens and Jake Wood. This is one of the most hope­ful sto­ries to emerge from Iraq and Afghanistan — a saga of lives saved, not wast­ed. Gre­it­ens, a high­ly dec­o­rat­ed Jew­ish Navy SEAL and Rhodes Schol­ar, has devot­ed his life to the prin­ci­ple of Tikkun Olam—“heal­ing the world.” Wound­ed in Iraq, Gre­it­ens returned home and found that his fel­low vet­er­ans all want­ed the same thing: to con­tin­ue to serve their coun­try in some way, no mat­ter the extent of their injuries. He found­ed The Mis­sion Con­tin­ues to pro­vide paid pub­lic ser­vice fel­low­ships for wound­ed vet­er­ans. Jake Wood, one of the first Mis­sion Con­tin­ues fel­lows, found­ed Team Rubi­con, orga­niz­ing vet­er­ans in dis­as­ter relief projects around the world, from Haiti to Hur­ri­cane Sandy. Gre­it­ens and Wood believe that the mil­i­tary virtues of dis­ci­pline and self­less­ness can build stronger com­mu­ni­ties. Their inspir­ing per­son­al saga demon­strates how the skills of war can also pro­vide a path to peace, per­son­al sat­is­fac­tion, and a more vig­or­ous nation.

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