
Dinosaur Goes To Israel

Diane Levin Rauch­w­erg­er; Jason Wolff, illus.
  • Review
By – April 24, 2012
This is Dinosaur’s fourth adven­ture, hav­ing cel­e­brat­ed Jew­ish hol­i­days and Shab­bat in Dinosaur on Passover, Dinosaur on Hanukkah, and Dinosaur on Shab­bat. This one takes him to Israel as a tourist. He digs in the sand on the beau­ti­ful beach in Tel Aviv, eats a falafel for lunch, puts a mes­sage high up in the West­ern Wall, climbs Masa­da, takes a mud bath in the Dead Sea, and goes snor­kel­ing in Eilat. Through­out, he is enthu­si­as­tic about his expe­ri­ence­sand at the end can­not wait to go back. Told in rhyme, this is a love­ly, joy­ful sto­ry, high­light­ing impor­tant sites in Israel. Sev­er­al sim­ple Hebrew words are incor­po­rat­ed into the text, with­out need­ing expla­na­tion, such as Shalom, Eretz Yis­rael, Todah Rabah and Sho­far. Dou­ble-page illus­tra­tions are col­or­ful and humor­ous, work well with the text, and are per­fect­ly age-appro­pri­ate. Famil­iar­i­ty with the main char­ac­ter will def­i­nite­ly increase the appre­ci­a­tion of the young read­ers. Rec­om­mendedas a read-to for ages 3 – 6.

Read­ing Guide

Shelly Feit has an M.L.S. and a Sixth-year Spe­cial­ist’s Cer­tifi­cate in infor­ma­tion sci­ence. She is the library direc­tor and media spe­cial­ist at the Mori­ah School in Engle­wood, NJ.

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