
Gil Hodges: A Hall of Fame Life

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

Gil Hodges, the leg­endary Brook­lyn and Los Ange­les Dodgers play­er and lat­er man­ag­er of the Wash­ing­ton Sen­a­tors and the New York Mir­a­cle” Mets, lived a life wor­thy of the words of his team­mate and friend Jack­ie Robin­son: A life is not impor­tant except in the impact it has on oth­er lives.” In addi­tion to detail­ing Hodges ups and downs on the field, Mort Zachter shows how Hodges impact­ed many lives. In stark con­trast to today’s cul­ture of self­ies, self – pro­mo­tion, and steroids, Hodges’s humil­i­ty made him a beloved pub­lic fig­ure in his day and beyond.

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