
Hap­py Hanukkah, Curi­ous George

Emi­ly Flaschn­er Mey­er; Mary O’Keefe Young, illus.
  • Review
By – May 29, 2013
Adorable Curi­ous George and his friend, the Man in the Yel­low Hat, attend a Hanukkah par­ty. Each part of the cel­e­bra­tion gets its due in rhyme and pic­ture. Tots can fol­low the sto­ry from cov­er to cov­er or choose, in any order, the Hanukkah item they wish to explore from the hand­some, very vis­i­ble, and eas­i­ly used tabbed pages of this nice­ly for­mat­ted, stur­dy board book. 

Tabbed top­ics are: the hol­i­day in win­ter, gelt, meno­rahs, drei­dels, latkes, gift s and mitzvoth, although mitzvoth are done on all days, plain days as well as hol­i­days. 

The poems deliv­er the infor­ma­tion with meter and rhyme that threat­en nei­ther Amichai nor Bia­lik. The illus­tra­tions cap­ture hap­py chil­dren with the fun-lov­ing mon­key drawn in the style of the Reys, his cre­ators. George mis­chie­vous­ly treats us to antics, after all, it is par­ty time. The book is sweet­ly age appro­pri­ate in cov­er­ing can­dles, prayers, food, cook­ing, presents, games, songs and fun. It is for­giv­en for omit­ting the vio­lent his­to­ry behind the cel­e­bra­tions. The sparkling cov­er will draw read­ers’ eyes to the sev­en tabs. Curi­ous George is once again suc­cess­ful at mak­ing us hap­py, this time at Hanukkah. Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 2 – 4.

Ellen G. Cole, a retired librar­i­an of the Levine Library of Tem­ple Isa­iah in Los Ange­les, is a past judge of the Syd­ney Tay­lor Book Awards and a past chair­per­son of that com­mit­tee. She is a co-author of the AJL guide, Excel­lence in Jew­ish Children’s Lit­er­a­ture. Ellen is the recip­i­ent of two major awards for con­tri­bu­tion to Juda­ic Librar­i­an­ship, the Fan­ny Gold­stein Mer­it Award from the Asso­ci­a­tion of Jew­ish Libraries and the Dorothy Schroed­er Award from the Asso­ci­a­tion of Jew­ish Libraries of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. She is on the board of AJLSC.

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