
It Takes a Lit­tle Crazy to Make a Difference

Daf­na Michael­son Jenet
  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Strug­gling with her divorce and her com­mit­ment to life as an Ortho­dox Jew­ish woman and moth­er, Daf­na Michael­son takes off to all 50 states to find and share sto­ries of ordi­nary peo­ple solv­ing prob­lems in their com­mu­ni­ty. Dri­ven by her com­mit­ment to tikkun olam, she learns as she shares the sto­ries of oth­ers to find her place and fol­low her con­flict­ed heart when her non-Jew­ish boyfriend and love of her life pro­pos­es. Dur­ing her trav­els, Dafna’s 50 in 52 Jour­ney” was fea­tured by Maya Angelou and shared by Charles Osgood on CBS Sun­day Morn­ing, dri­ving many to hear the sto­ries of the 500 peo­ple she met. 65% of the peo­ple she inter­viewed turned out to be Jew­ish men, women, and young adults from every cor­ner of our coun­try, dri­ven to heal the world. Dafna’s book recounts her jour­ney over one cal­en­dar year and shares her strug­gles with Ortho­doxy and her com­mit­ment to faith and community.

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