
Jew Got Questions?

  • From the Publisher
December 19, 2014

Jew Got Ques­tions is an easy-to-read guide that helps you nav­i­gate Judaism in today’s world. Through­out the author’s 13 year Rab­bini­cal career, he has been asked numer­ous ques­tions — in per­son, via email, text mes­sage, Skype, ambush, and on the sub­way. Some include: What hap­pens to my soul after I die? What do my dreams mean? What’s the ori­gin of the Star of David? Why do we dip the chal­lah into salt? Can I miss meet­ing my soul mate? And many more…

Jew Got Ques­tions pro­vides a fresh and insight­ful take on some of the most com­mon and even uncom­mon inquiries. It can be ref­er­enced at a momen­t’s notice, draw­ing on Bib­li­cal, Tal­mu­dic, and Kab­bal­is­tic sources. This book answers hun­dreds of ques­tions about laws, cus­toms, and prac­tices of Jew­ish life, that trans­form Judaism from being a reli­gion into a relationship.

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A New Take on Old Clas­sics: How a Rab­bi Approach­es Chal­leng­ing Questions

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