
Jews in Nazi Berlin: From Kristall­nacht to Liberation

Beate Mey­er, Her­mann Simon, Chana Schutz
  • Review
By – August 25, 2011

This is a won­der­ful dis­play in print of the Cen­trum Judaicum, The Cen­tral Jew­ish Muse­um in Berlin, which is housed in a beau­ti­ful, new­ly ren­o­vat­ed syn­a­gogue in Berlin. The exhib­it details the sto­ry of the Jews of Berlin dur­ing the Nazi reign.

The authors tell their sto­ry in a per­son­al way. As they take us back to Nazi-era Berlin we see the city from the per­spec­tive of its Jew­ish inhab­i­tants. This is a human sto­ry with pho­tographs and doc­u­ments that are far more pow­er­ful than the expla­na­tions that accom­pa­ny them. The Jews in Nazi Berlin is a won­der­ful and respect­ful memo­r­i­al to the Jews who lived and died in Berlin from Kristall­nacht to the liberation.

Mic­ah D. Halpern is a colum­nist and a social and polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor. He is the author of What You Need To Know About: Ter­ror, and main­tains The Mic­ah Report at www​.mic​ah​halpern​.com.

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