

Aaron Beck­er
  • From the Publisher
November 7, 2013
A lone­ly girl draws a mag­ic door on her bed­room wall and through it escapes into a world where won­der, adven­ture, and dan­ger abound. Red mark­er in hand, she cre­ates a boat, a bal­loon, and a fly­ing car­pet that car­ry her on a spec­tac­u­lar jour­ney toward an uncer­tain des­tiny. When she is cap­tured by a sin­is­ter emper­or, only an act of tremen­dous courage and kind­ness can set her free. Can it also lead her home and to her heart’s desire? With sup­ple line, lumi­nous col­or, and nim­ble flights of fan­cy, author-illus­tra­tor Aaron Beck­er launch­es an ordi­nary child on an extra­or­di­nary jour­ney toward her great­est and most excit­ing adven­ture of all.A New York Times Best Illus­trat­ed Chil­dren’s Book of 2013

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