
Lady Lazarus

  • From the Publisher
August 29, 2013
With the romance of Twi­light, the sus­pense of The Dres­den Files, and the deli­cious thrills of True Blood, the enthralling saga of Mag­dale­na Lazarus unfolds. Descend­ed from the leg­endary witch of Ein Dor, she alone holds the pow­er to sum­mon the angel Raziel and stop Hitler and his super­nat­ur­al min­ions from unleash­ing total war in Europe. The Nazis have fight­ers more fear­some than sol­diers, weapons more ter­ri­fy­ing than mis­siles, and allies that even they are afraid of SS were­wolves; the demon Asmod­el who pos­sess­es a will­ing Adolf Hitler, and oth­er super­nat­ur­al crea­tures all are lit­er­al­ly hell-bent on pre­vent­ing Mag­da from pos­sess­ing the Book of Raziel, a mag­i­cal text with the pow­er to turn the tide against Hitler’s vast war machine.

Mag­da, young and rebel­lious, grew up in the cos­mopoli­tan city of Budapest, unaware of her family’s her­itage. When her moth­er dies, Mag­da – ready or not – is the Lazarus, who must face the evil that holds Europe in an iron grip. Unready to assume the man­tle of her ancient birthright, but know­ing that she must fight, she sets out across Europe search­ing for the Book. Mag­da is des­per­ate enough to endan­ger her soul by sum­mon­ing the aveng­ing angel Raziel. When she sees him in the glo­ry of his celes­tial pres­ence, her heart is utter­ly, com­plete­ly lost…

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