
Love and Miss Communication

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

Love and Miss Com­mu­ni­ca­tion rais­es a most time­ly ques­tion: How would life change with­out the Inter­net? What would hap­pen if we turned off Face­book and tuned out of Twit­ter? Evie Rosen is a 34 – year – old attor­ney on the rise. Though she has recent­ly suf­fered a dev­as­tat­ing break – up with her celebri­ty – chef boyfriend, at least she’s poised to make part­ner at her top – notch law firm. But when her career comes to a screech­ing halt with­out warn­ing, Evie is left crushed by the roman­tic and pro­fes­sion­al blows. Fed up, Evie throws her com­put­er into the Cen­tral Park Reser­voir and vows to remain offline until her 35th birth­day. Learn­ing to live with­out Google search­es, sta­tus updates, texts tweets, pins, posts, and online dat­ing, Evie begins to redis­cov­er old pas­sions and reeval­u­ate what real­ly mat­ters to her. Mean­while her beloved but nag­ging I – vant – to – hora – at – your – ved­ding” grand­moth­er Bette has a health scare, close friend­ships teeter, and Evie, tru­ly unplugged, may just find love and a new direc­tion where she least expects it.

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