
Maybe Not Such a Good Girl: Reflec­tions on Rup­ture and Return

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

A evoca­tive and intri­cate­ly-woven nar­ra­tive about a free-spir­it­ed danc­ing Ortho­dox girl who escapes her unbend­ing father’s house and cre­ates a new, sec­u­lar life in France where the author lives as an expa­tri­ate for 22-years. Still, she nev­er escapes her sehn­sucht—a long­ing of the soul — for all she left behind. By weav­ing in aston­ish­ing­ly frank accounts of per­son­al expe­ri­ence, midrash and tra­di­tion­al texts, and intro­duc­ing us to col­or­ful char­ac­ters, Reimer-Torn not only traces her own jour­ney home, she invites the read­er to embark on theirs.

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