
Noth­ing Like a Dame: Con­ver­sa­tions With the Great Women of Musi­cal Theater

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Noth­ing Like a Dame: Con­ver­sa­tions with the Great Women of Musi­cal The­ater is a col­lec­tion of exclu­sive inter­views with twen­ty of the great­est lead­ing women of Broad­way, by Jew­ish jour­nal­ist Eddie Shapiro. It fea­tures women who have devot­ed the major­i­ty of their careers to the­ater and have won at least one Tony Award. Noth­ing Like a Dame includes Shapiro’s expe­ri­ence inter­view­ing the can­tan­ker­ous, out­spo­ken, and utter­ly charm­ing” Elaine Stritch over tea at the Car­lyle on Thanks­giv­ing Day, chat­ting with the eighty-four year old Angela Lans­bury in her Man­hat­tan apart­ment, and ask­ing Pat­ti Lupone about her start in act­ing while eat­ing her home-baked bread. Each inter­view is guid­ed by Shapiro’s expert knowl­edge of these wom­en’s careers, Broad­way lore, and the details of some of Broad­way’s most famous (and infa­mous) musi­cals. This col­lec­tion also includes dozens of pho­tographs of the actress­es in their best-known roles, mak­ing it a must-have for the­ater lovers.

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