
Ren­dezvous with God

Rab­bi Nathan Laufer
  • From the Publisher
September 22, 2016

Rab­bi Nathan Laufer explores the sev­en major Jew­ish hol­i­days (Passover, Shavuot, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kip­pur, Sukkot, Shem­i­ni Atzeret, and Shab­bat) through their divine rev­e­la­tions in the desert. For Laufer, each of the orig­i­nal encoun­ters with God, as described in the Bible, con­tain the deep­est secrets of the Jew­ish peo­ple’s exis­tence and col­lec­tive purpose.

Through a care­ful read­ing of each of the Torah read­ings relat­ed to the hol­i­days, Ren­dezvous with God shows how reliv­ing the hol­i­days — through their respec­tive cus­toms, prayers, rit­u­als, and Torah read­ings — impacts Judais­m’s ethics, rit­u­als, and litur­gy through­out the year and inspires us to emu­late God’s just ways in our dai­ly lives. With the insights of a sea­soned edu­ca­tor and com­mu­ni­ty leader, Rab­bi Laufer high­lights how the Jew­ish hol­i­days serve as the cen­tral vehi­cle to keep the Jew­ish nar­ra­tive alive and vibrant year after year. 

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