
Rivka’s War

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Rus­sia, 1914. Riv­ka, daugh­ter of a pros­per­ous boot mak­er, seems des­tined by tra­di­tion for mar­riage and the hum­drum rounds of shtetl life. Then war breaks out, and things go bad­ly for the tsar’s army. When demor­al­ized troops begin desert­ing their posts in the trench­es, one odd and sin­gu­lar com­man­der recruits a bat­tal­ion of girls to set an exam­ple. Riv­ka signs on, nev­er sus­pect­ing the ter­rors that await her, or the tri­als that will test her, or the mishaps that will take her from the frozen steppes of Siberia to the hot, dusty hills of Pales­tine. Tak­en from actu­al events, Rivka’s War is a tale of loss and sur­vival, por­tray­ing the impact of the Great War on Jew­ish life. 

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