Jew­ish Text

Six­ty-Minute Seder: Pre­serv­ing the Essence of the Passover Haggadah

Cass (Yick­ezkale) and Nel­lie (Nechama) Foster
  • From the Publisher
April 1, 2014

Six­ty-Minute Seder : Pre­serv­ing the Essence of the Passover Hag­gadah is not about tak­ing the tra­di­tion­al Seder and turn­ing it into some­thing so mod­ern that the read­er los­es all sense of tra­di­tion. This con­ser­v­a­tive Jew­ish cou­ple has con­densed the Seder — which nor­mal­ly runs any­where from two to five hours — to one which is under an hour. Although it is con­densed, every­one can hon­or and cel­e­brate the annu­al Passover Seder as intend­ed. Read­ers will wel­come the instruc­tions on how to keep Chametz (unleav­ened prod­ucts for­bid­den dur­ing Pesach) for use fol­low­ing the eight days of Passover, and Nel­lie’s deli­cious Seder meal recipes. Most books pro­vide instruc­tions for only the ser­vice of the Seder. Cass and Nel­lie Fos­ter have cre­at­ed an easy-to-fol­low guide that explains how to pre­pare for Passover, how to pre­pare for the Seder, and how to exe­cute the ser­vice. Also includ­ed are instruc­tions for prop­er kitchen­ware, how to set the Seder table and cre­ate the Seder plate, can­dle-light­ing, a wide vari­ety of chil­dren’s activ­i­ties, how to man­age the Fast of the First Born with­out hav­ing to fast, how to keep chametz (unleav­ened prod­ucts for­bid­den dur­ing Pesach) for use fol­low­ing the eight days of Passover and recipes for the ide­al Seder meal. Part of the Six­ty-Minute Collection. 

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