
The Divorce Papers

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

The sto­ry of a high-pro­file divorce and the young lawyer dra­gooned into han­dling it. Sophie Diehl is hap­py toil­ing away at a New Eng­land firm when she is sud­den­ly stuck han­dling the intake inter­view for the daugh­ter of the firm’s most impor­tant client: After eigh­teen years of mar­riage, Mayflower descen­dant Mia Durkheim has been served divorce papers. For Sophie, the whole affair sparks a hard look at her own rela­tion­ships — with her par­ents, col­leagues, friends, lovers, and her­self. Sophie has a French Jew­ish moth­er and an Eng­lish Catholic father, and Mia also has a mixed mar­riage — along with a rel­a­tive who is less than fond of it. Through The Divorce Papers, Susan Riger won­ders if inter­faith mar­riages are more vul­ner­a­ble, explor­ing the com­pli­cat­ed dynam­ic that results when mar­riage fails — as well as the risks and rewards of love.

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