
The Immi­grant

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

An unimag­in­able adven­ture. An unfor­get­table young man. The Immi­grant is an uplift­ing tale of tragedy, tri­umph, and the strug­gle to dis­cov­er what mat­ters most. The year is 1920, and a Jew­ish teenage Russ­ian boy named Lev has just wit­nessed his entire world go up in flames. With his par­ents killed in a hor­rif­ic blaze, leav­ing him home­less and alone, Lev finds him­self join­ing up with a strange trav­el­ing cir­cus. He sets off on a dark jour­ney across a bleak land­scape of cor­rup­tion and per­se­cu­tion. Fac­ing vio­lent racists, unscrupu­lous con­men, seedy thugs, and dead­ly Russ­ian police, Lev­’s trav­els take him across the ocean, through the Big Apple, and final­ly to the windswept deserts of Amer­i­ca’s South­west. But even as he search­es for his last liv­ing con­nec­tion, he finds him­self embark­ing on anoth­er jour­ney, into the mys­ter­ies of grow­ing up — and dis­cov­er­ing what the word home” tru­ly means. An epic jour­ney through a tumul­tuous peri­od of his­to­ry, The Immi­grant will delight read­ers with its vivid por­tray­al of a world lost to time.

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