
The Jew­ish Way in Death and Mourning

Mau­rice Lamm
  • From the Publisher
October 10, 2011
For over thir­ty years Jews have turned to Rab­bi Mau­rice Lam­m’s clas­sic work for direc­tion and con­so­la­tion. Select­ed by The New York Times as one of the ten best reli­gious books of the year when it was first pub­lished in 1969The Jew­ish Way in Death and Mourn­ing leads the fam­i­ly and friends of the deceased through the most dif­fi­cult chap­ter of life-from the moment of death through the funer­al ser­vice, the bur­ial, and the var­i­ous peri­ods of mourning.

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