
The Lib­er­at­ed Bride

  • From the Publisher
November 17, 2015

Yochanan Rivlin, a pro­fes­sor at Haifa Uni­ver­si­ty, is a man of bound­less and often naïve curios­i­ty. His wife, Hag­it, a dis­trict judge, is tol­er­ant of almost every­thing but her hus­band’s faults and pre­var­i­ca­tions. Fre­quent argu­ments aside, they are a well-adjust­ed cou­ple with two grown sons.

When one of Rivlin’s stu­dents — a young Arab bride from a vil­lage in the Galilee — is assigned to help with his research in recent Alger­ian his­to­ry, a two-pronged mys­tery devel­ops. As they probe the caus­es of the bloody Alger­ian civ­il war, Rivlin also becomes obsessed with his son’s failed marriage.

Rivlin’s search leads to a num­ber of improb­a­ble escapades. In this com­e­dy of man­ners, at once deeply seri­ous and high­ly enter­tain­ing, Yehoshua bril­liant­ly por­trays char­ac­ters from dis­parate sec­tors of Israeli life, unit­ed above all by a very human desire for, and fear of, the truth in pol­i­tics and life.

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