
The May­or of Cas­tro Street: The Life and Times of Har­vey Milk

Randy Shilts
  • From the Publisher
October 11, 2011
The May­or of Cas­tro Street is Shilt­s’s acclaimed sto­ry of Har­vey Milk, the man whose per­son­al life, pub­lic career, and trag­ic assas­si­na­tion mir­rored the dra­mat­ic and unprece­dent­ed emer­gence of the gay com­mu­ni­ty in Amer­i­ca dur­ing the 1970s. His is a sto­ry of per­son­al tragedies and polit­i­cal intrigues, assas­si­na­tion in City Hall and mas­sive riots in the streets, the mis­car­riage of jus­tice and the con­sol­i­da­tion of gay pow­er and gay hope.

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