
The Priv­i­lege of Aging

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
The Priv­i­lege of Aging: Por­traits of Twelve Jew­ish Women, offers an indepth explo­ration of Jew­ish wom­en’s lives beyond age 75. You’ll meet twelve women from all over the coun­try, women with dif­fer­ent lifestyles, expe­ri­ences, back­grounds, and con­nec­tions to Judaism. You’ll read about the courage of a Holo­caust sur­vivor, the strength of a teacher to stand up for wom­en’s rights, the deter­mi­na­tion of an artist to nur­ture a long-term rela­tion­ship. Their life­long jour­neys reveal how their ear­li­er years pre­pared them for life as old­er women and what they learned from those expe­ri­ences. The book explores what gave them the sup­port, the spir­it, and the resilience to mas­ter chal­lenges and changes in their long lives. Was it an under­stand­ing par­ent or com­pas­sion­ate teacher? A good edu­ca­tion? Grow­ing up in a small town, or sim­ply old-fash­ioned good luck? These women, who are often invis­i­ble in our soci­ety, have much to give younger women as role mod­els and men­tors, yet they have not received the atten­tion they deserve. This is an impor­tant book, espe­cial­ly for aging baby boomers. 

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