
The Sin­gles

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
It’s almost wed­ding sea­son and instead of spot­light­ing the bride-to-be, let’s focus our atten­tion on the sin­gle guests – the guests that opt not to uti­lize their plus-one invites and choose to remain date­less. In Mered­ith Goldstein’s antic­i­pat­ed debut nov­el, Bee Evans and Matt Fee are tying the knot. Plans are in motion for a lav­ish wed­ding in Chesa­peake Bay and Bee insists on shar­ing this once in a life­time moment with all her fam­i­ly and friends…including The Sin­gles – those who are arriv­ing solo and sec­ond guess­ing their own rela­tion­ship status. 

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