
To Vegas and Back

Suzanne R Krauss
  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

The sto­ry begins with a twen­ty-six-year-old woman liv­ing the Amer­i­can dream in the 1960s. She was a Jew­ish home­mak­er and moth­er of three in the beau­ti­ful sub­urbs of Philadel­phia. At thir­ty-two she gets a divorce and trades brown­ies and car­pools for pasties and feath­ers as a Show­girl in Las Vegas. In a nut­shell, this woman leaves her hus­band in 1972 and is swooped up by a rich man who wants to make her a show­girl. He moves her to Vegas and short­ly after, he dis­ap­pears. She then meets a Vegas mob­ster who intro­duces her into the under­ground work­ings of Vegas casi­nos. She real­izes her dream when she nails an audi­tion and becomes one of the most sought-after show­girls of her time in the Trop­i­cana’s famous Les Folies Berg­ere. Final­ly, this woman meets a man who wants to mar­ry her and take in her chil­dren — a man who near­ly destroys them with vio­lence, alco­hol and abuse over the course of six years. Suzanne can tell this sto­ry first­hand, because this woman is her mother.

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