
Unknown Caller

  • From the Publisher
June 30, 2016

For as long as Daniel­la has been mar­ried to Joel, they have received phone calls at odd hours of the day and late at night. Daniel­la knows the caller as Liesel, Joel’s first wife, whose sud­den depar­ture dev­as­tat­ed her hus­band. After years of dis­rup­tive, long-dis­tance phone calls, Liesel rings to tell Joel that she is let­ting Idzia, the 17-year-old daugh­ter he has nev­er met, vis­it for the sum­mer. Daniel­la and Joel pre­pare for Idzi­a’s arrival, but when Joel goes to pick her up from the air­port, Idzia isn’t there. Back at home, the phone calls sud­den­ly stop,and Joel and Daniel­la become haunt­ed by the absence of some­one who was nev­er part of their life to begin with.

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