Ati­na Gross­mann and Joseph Sas­soon in Conversation

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Jew­ish Museum

The Saul and Gladys Gwirtz­man Lecture

Join The Jew­ish Muse­um and Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for a con­ver­sa­tion between Dr. Ati­na Gross­mann, Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry in the Fac­ul­ty of Human­i­ties and Social Sci­ences at the Coop­er Union, and Dr. Joseph Sas­soon, Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry and Pol­i­tics at George­town Uni­ver­si­ty and Senior Asso­ciate Mem­ber at St. Antony’s Col­lege, Oxford as they dis­cuss his most recent book, The Sas­soons: The Great Glob­al Mer­chants and the Mak­ing of an Empire. Pre­sent­ed in con­junc­tion with the cur­rent exhi­bi­tion The Sas­soons at The Jew­ish Muse­um, this con­ver­sa­tion will also explore shared top­ics of inter­est such as dis­place­ment and dias­po­ra in Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ties across the Mid­dle East and Cen­tral Asia.

Co-pre­sent­ed with The Jew­ish Muse­um, copies of Joseph Sassoon’s book will be avail­able for pur­chase and sign­ing after the talk or buy it here.

About the Speakers:

Joseph Sas­soon
 is a Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry and Polit­i­cal Econ­o­my at George­town’s Cen­ter for Con­tem­po­rary Arab Stud­ies and holds the al-Sabah Chair in Pol­i­tics and Polit­i­cal Econ­o­my of the Arab World. He is also a Senior Asso­ciate Mem­ber at St Antony’s Col­lege, Oxford, where he also com­plet­ed his PhD. Pro­fes­sor Sas­soon, whose research focus­es on polit­i­cal econ­o­my, eco­nom­ic his­to­ry, Iraq, Iraqi refugees, and author­i­tar­i­an­ism, has pub­lished exten­sive­ly and is the author of five books. His most recent book, The Sas­soons: The Great Glob­al Mer­chants and the Mak­ing of an Empire, was pub­lished in the Unit­ed States by Pan­theon Books (2022) and in the UK by Allen Lane under the title The Glob­al Mer­chants: The Enter­prise and Extrav­a­gance of the Sas­soon Dynasty (2022). His pri­or books include The Iraqi Refugees: The New Cri­sis in the Mid­dle East (Lon­don, I.B. Tau­ris, 2009); Sad­dam Hussein’s Ba‘th Par­ty: Inside an Author­i­tar­i­an Regime (Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2012), which won the pres­ti­gious British-Kuwait Prize for the best book on the Mid­dle East; and Anato­my of Author­i­tar­i­an­ism in the Arab Republics (New York: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty, 2016).

Ati­na Gross­mann is a Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry in the Fac­ul­ty of Human­i­ties and Social Sci­ences at the Coop­er Union in New York City. She received a Ph.D from Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty and a B.A. from The City Uni­ver­si­ty of New York. Her cur­rent research focus­es on Trau­ma: Priv­i­lege, Adven­ture in Tran­sit: Jew­ish Refugees from Nation­al Social­ism in Iran, India, and Cen­tral Asia in Transna­tion­al Con­text.” Rel­e­vant pub­li­ca­tions in Jew­ish and Holo­caust Stud­ies include Jews, Ger­mans, and Allies: Close Encoun­ters in Occu­pied Ger­many (Prince­ton 2007, Ger­man 2012); Shel­ter from the Holo­caust: Rethink­ing Jew­ish Sur­vival in the Sovi­et Union (with M.Edele and S. Fitz­patrick 2017), and Our Courage/​Unser Mut: Jews in Europe after 1945 (with K. Bohus 2020). She served on the Schol­ars Advi­so­ry Board for the new per­ma­nent exhib­it at the Muse­um of Jew­ish Her­itage and is cur­rent­ly the Ina Levine Invi­ta­tion­al Senior Schol­ar at the Unit­ed States Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al Museum.

Tick­ets: $22 Gen­er­al; $15 Stu­dents and Seniors; $12 Mem­bers; Includes Muse­um Admission

Doors open at 6 pm, Includes Muse­um Admission