The Bet­sy Hotel and Jew­ish Book Coun­cil are thrilled to announce Liz Klein­rock as the inau­gur­al win­ner of our Jew­ish Book Month writer’s res­i­den­cy contest.

The Writer’s Room at The Bet­sy is a work­ing stu­dio space for vis­it­ing writ­ers and artists to cre­ate, devel­op their craft and share their work through com­mu­ni­ty pro­grams, The Writer’s Room pays homage to the many writ­ing rooms” that exist­ed in pre-war hotels where guests record­ed mem­o­ries and linked to home. Alum­ni from the pro­gram can be found here and more infor­ma­tion on The Bet­sy Hotel can be found here.

In answer to the con­test ques­tion of what is your favorite Jew­ish book and why, Klein­rock wrote the following: 

I adore The Tow­er of Life: How Yaf­fa Eli­ach Rebuilt Her Town in Sto­ries and Pho­tographs by Chana Stiefel. It address­es the Holo­caust and anti­semitism in a way that’s acces­si­ble for chil­dren, and tran­si­tions into a sto­ry of resilience, cul­ture, and pow­er. Far too often, Jew­ish his­to­ry is sole­ly viewed through a lens of oppres­sion and vic­tim­hood, and I refuse to be defined only by the worst things that have been done to our com­mu­ni­ty. I view this book as a recla­ma­tion of our his­to­ry, hon­or­ing the past while cre­at­ing hope for the future.