
And So It Was Written

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Metic­u­lous­ly researched and con­tro­ver­sial in scope and imag­i­na­tion, And So It Was Writ­ten trav­els to a time when a Third Tem­ple is built and the Ark of the Covenant hold­ing the Ten Com­mand­ments is found. The year is 132 CE, and the pro­claimed Jew­ish Mes­si­ah, Bar Kokh­ba, has defeat­ed the Roman army and rules Judea. As the Romans pre­pare to reclaim Israel, the book fol­lows two sets of broth­ers — one Roman and one Jew­ish — whose friend­ships, hatreds, and lives inter­twine. For char­ac­ters you will dream about, And So It Was Writ­ten is the ulti­mate treat. You will smell the spices in the mar­kets, see the blood on the bat­tle­fields, rage with the injus­tice of broth­er against broth­er. From tri­umph to defeat, this is a saga of courage, con­quest, famil­ial loy­al­ty, hon­or and love — show­ing man at his best and his worst. 

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