
In Many Waters

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

In Many Waters is the grip­ping sto­ry of three orphans whose lives inter­sect on the island of Mal­ta dur­ing our cur­rent urgent refugee cri­sis. Zoe, a bud­ding his­to­ri­an, comes to Mal­ta with her younger broth­er, Cal, to learn more about their Mal­tese moth­er as well as the mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing their par­ents’ untime­ly deaths. The sib­lings’ well-mapped plans are derailed when Cal, who is a dai­ly swim­mer in the Mediter­ranean, dis­cov­ers a girl float­ing in the sea, bare­ly alive. The small, bat­tered fish­ing boat on which she has jour­neyed from Libya to Mal­ta cap­sized in a storm: Aziza is the sole sur­vivor. Mean­while, Zoe returns to the site of her par­ents’ drown­ing and stum­bles across a trail of clues which lead to the dis­cov­ery of an unknown fam­i­ly mem­ber, unearthing a chain of life-chang­ing secrets. In Many Waters mines the hearts and minds of char­ac­ters in extrem­is, the unfor­get­table tale of the ways that we love and help one anoth­er, and how the choic­es we make rever­ber­ate through generations.

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