
Keep Your Wives Away from Them: Ortho­dox Women, Unortho­dox Desires

  • From the Publisher
October 7, 2011
Rec­on­cil­ing queer­ness with reli­gion has always been an enor­mous chal­lenge. When the reli­gion is Ortho­dox Judaism, the task is even more daunt­ing. This anthol­o­gy takes on that chal­lenge by giv­ing voice to gen­derqueer Jew­ish women who were once silenced — and effec­tive­ly ren­dered invis­i­ble — by their faith. Keep Your Wives Away from Them tells the sto­ry of those who have come out, who are still clos­et­ed, liv­ing dou­ble lives, or strug­gling to main­tain an inte­grat­ed sin­gle life” in rela­tion­ship to tra­di­tion­al Judaism — per­son­al sto­ries that are both enlight­en­ing and edi­fy­ing. While a num­ber of films and books have explored the lives of queer peo­ple in Ortho­dox and obser­vant Judaism, only this one explores in depth what hap­pens after the strug­gle, when the real work of build­ing inte­grat­ed lives begins. The can­dor of these insight­ful sto­ries in Keep Your Wives Away from Them makes the book appeal­ing to a gen­er­al audi­ence and stu­dents of women’s, gen­der, and LGBTQ stud­ies, as well as for any­one strug­gling per­son­al­ly with the same issue. 

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