
Mus­sar Yoga: Blend­ing an Ancient Jew­ish Spir­i­tu­al Prac­tice with Yoga to Trans­form Body and Soul

Edith R. Brotman
  • From the Publisher
March 20, 2014

Mus­sar Yoga is a spir­i­tu­al prac­tice that engages the whole self in the process of spir­i­tu­al trans­for­ma­tion. It bridges the Jew­ish spir­i­tu­al prac­tice of self-study, and the cul­ti­va­tion and dis­ci­pline of eth­i­cal behav­ior known as Mus­sar(“instruc­tion” in Hebrew) with the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the ancient Indi­an eight-fold path for cre­at­ing union between mind, body and spir­it. Mus­sar pro­vides the struc­ture and focus of the jour­ney of self-inquiry, while yoga offers a means for embody­ing it.

In this clear and struc­tured intro­duc­tion to Mus­sar Yoga, you will learn how to explore the phys­i­cal dimen­sion of soul traits — eth­i­cal behav­iors and atti­tudes — such as humil­i­ty, gen­eros­i­ty, enthu­si­asm and grat­i­tude through yoga pos­es and the yog­ic prac­tice of breath work. Intend­ed for the novice as well as the yoga expert, each exer­cise is accom­pa­nied by step-by-step instruc­tions, help­ful pho­tographs, mantras and jour­nal­ing exercises.

With prac­tice, Mus­sar Yoga can help free you from estab­lished neg­a­tive pat­terns of being, increase your capac­i­ty for com­pas­sion and acts of good­ness, and help you devel­op a more ful­fill­ing, mean­ing­ful life.

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